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          Did you know that the high school drop-out rate for minorities in Palm Beach County is at 60%? This means that 6 out of 10 young men and women are not going to walk on the stage this year. According to (2013), a reliable online source, “Every 29 seconds, another student gives up on school, resulting in more than one million American dropouts a year – or 7,000 every day.”

          The Tutoring Place is the direct branch of a highly successful clinical program administered and operated by individuals with backgrounds of specialty in the clinical arena. Our goal is to prepare the young minds of West Palm Beach to think differently about learning. It is often said that today’s youth will shape our tomorrow. But how? Certainly not just by mere product of hoping upon it. So how can we prepare our children for the challenges to come? We teach our students (of all ages) to better themselves in not only the academic sense, but in peripheral aspect of their lives.


          As a company we strive to make a positive difference on the community and to help better everyone’s future by shifting the way in which our students think about learning. Our mission is inspired by Albert Einstein’s suggestion that “education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” Will you help us shape a potentially bright future? Ask us for more information and join our mission!


Our Mission...

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